Class 7.3

Photo Essay Storyboard

A storyboard will help you think analytically about the choices you make as you assemble your photo essay.

To give you a sense of what this might look like, here’s a storyboard created by CGS student Mira Sachdeva. Note how the box just below each photo identifies its theme, while the larger box at bottom outlines the photo’s design principles.

I’m not going to make you sketch your photographs using paper and pencil, but I do want you to give serious thought to the themes, structure and design principles of your photo essay. So I’ve created a Google Slides template you can use to create a simple storyboard.

You will need to turn in a complete storyboard along with your final photo essay. For today’s HW, see if you can get two or three slides done, and post a link below.

Course Evaluations: link

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